Online Exam Assessments & Software : SecuTest
Online Exam Software is the best solution for every educational centre to adapt. Conduct Exam is an innovative online exam system or robust Online Test Software that includes a large combo of software applications for web-based exam software, offline exam, computer-based test, centre-based exam, online assessment software, and many more.
Why Exam Assessments?
Exam assessments measure knowledge, understanding, and practical application. They standardize, quantify learning, provide feedback, and offer certifications. Exams motivate learning, ensure accountability, and aid research in education and professional contexts.

Notification & Application
A notification and application for the examination process is a formal communication and submission of information and documents. This includes personal details, educational background, and sometimes application fees.

Admit Card/Call Letter
Eligible candidates download the admit card through the portal, the admit card received serves as the entry ticket to the examination venue, which provides important information including date, time, venue details and instructions of the examination.

Conduct an Examination
During the examination session, which is conducted as per the schedule, candidates undertake the assessment while being closely supervised. This phase assesses their expertise, competencies, and proficiencies in the respective subject.

Evaluation and Marking
Evaluation and marking of candidates to determine their performance and scores, which involves various steps like answer key verification, accurate marking, moderation, grade calculation and quality assurance check. These results may include individual scores, rankings, and pass/fail status.